Put Info Producer
Create or update one producer, allowing the producer to announce to the R1 environment that it is capable of producing one or more data-types and is able to accept jobs for those types.
The identifier of one producer.
"supported_info_types": [
"info_job_callback_url": "string"
A list of those data types that this producer plans to produce.
The callback URL by which the DMS will notify the producer of a new job.
Successfully updated one producer.
Successfully created one producer.
Unable to create or update producer: bad request body.
"type": "string",
"title": "string",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Required field 'counter_names' missing.",
"instance": "string"
A URI representing the type of the problem.
A short summary of the error.
The HTTP Response code associated with this error.
A detailed description of the error.
An optional URI of the instance involved in the problem.