Defines a structure that holds list of storage policies defined for Azure for a specific region.HATEOAS links:
storage-account - FabricAzureStorageAccount - Storage account for the profile.
region - Region - Region for the profile.
self - AzureStorageProfile - Self link to this Azure storage profile.
"id": "9e49",
"createdAt": "2012-09-27",
"updatedAt": "2012-09-27",
"owner": "",
"organizationId": "deprecated",
"orgId": "9e49",
"name": "my-name",
"description": "my-description",
"defaultItem": false,
"supportsEncryption": false,
"tags": [
"key": "string",
"value": "string"
"diskType": "Standard_LRS / Premium_LRS",
"osDiskCaching": "None / ReadOnly / ReadWrite",
"dataDiskCaching": "None / ReadOnly / ReadWrite",
"externalRegionId": "uswest"
The id of this resource instance
Date when the entity was created. The date is in ISO 6801 and UTC.
Date when the entity was last updated. The date is ISO 8601 and UTC.
Email of the user that owns the entity.
This field is deprecated. Use orgId instead. The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
HATEOAS of the entity
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
A human-friendly description.
Indicates if a storage profile contains default storage properties.
Indicates whether this storage profile should support encryption or not.
Indicates the performance tier for the storage type. Premium disks are SSD backed and Standard disks are HDD backed.
Indicates the caching mechanism for OS disk. Default policy for OS disks is Read/Write.
Indicates the caching mechanism for additional disk.
The id of the region for which this profile is defined